
Declaration of the 2022 Official Election Results 

On Saturday, October 15th, eligible voters in Coldstream elected six (6) Councillors at the 2022 General Local Election.

Office of Mayor

The one (1) office of Mayor, was won by acclamation: 1. Hoyte, Ruth

Office of Councillor

For the office of Councillor, the Chief Election Officer declares elected the following six candidates, who received the highest number of valid votes for the office:

1. Garlick, Jim

2. Runyan, Simone

3. Hoffman, Stephanie

4. Levy, Jeremy

5. Dirk, Doug

6. Cochrane, Pat

Assent Vote

The Assent Vote was corrected the NO vote was underreported by 1 vote and corrected from 879 to 880.

Result: Assent Granted

Coldstream School Trustee

The official School Trustee Election results may be obtained at https://sd22.bc.ca/.