News Release

Meeting agenda and attachments can be found here: 

Multi-Family Residential and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Development Permit for 9728 Aberdeen 

Council authorized the issuance of Development Permit No. 24-002-DP, for a 67-unit ground-oriented multi-family residential development (“the Vibe”) at 9728 Aberdeen Road subject to the conditions outlined in the report to Council.

Kalamalka Beach and Pier - Follow Up

Kalamalka, Vernon and Silver Start Rotary Clubs proposed the replacement of the existing Rotary sign on the pier with an updated sign that details the history of Rotary and the construction of the first pier in 1934. The Rotary Clubs have also proposed installation of accessibility mats to provide access for diverse-abled visitors to more easily and safely access the beach, water and pier.  Council has approved the replacement of the sign, pending the receipt of conceptual designs to be considered at a future meeting of Council. Council has referred the proposed accessibility mats to the Inter-municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee for their comments.

3-Way Stop Intersections

Council authorized Administration to proceed with the design for line markings to accommodate a 3-way stops at the intersections McClounie Road and Kidston Road with Kalamalka Road.

Infrastructure Services Update - August 2024

Council received the latest Infrastructure Services Update from the Director of Infrastructure Services. Please see the link above to access the report details.

Long Range Planning Committee Recommendations

Council passed the following recommendations from the Long Range Planning Committee meeting held on August 19, 2024:

“THAT a request for funding either a Community Amenity and Recreation Plan, and/or a Cost of Growth Study, fully paid under the Building Capacity Fund, be brought to a future Finance Committee meeting.”

Declassified Motion from August 12, 2024

Re: Sole Source Procurement for Municipal Buildings Access Control and Alarm Systems

“THAT Council waive Policy TD06 – Purchasing and authorize Administration to award a contract to Omega Solutions in the amount of $69,530 plus GST to upgrade the access control and alarm system at the Community Hall, Municipal Hall, Fire Halls, and Mechanics Shop;

AND THAT this project be funded with a Municipal Insurance Association (MIA) Risk Management grant or, if the grant application is unsuccessful, through the Building Reserve, reallocated from the Public Works Building project following an additional allocation of $69,530 from the Sanitary Sewer Surplus to the Public Works Building project budget.”

*MIA has approved the District’s Grant application in the amount of $68,432.  The remaining $1,098 will be funded from the Public Works Building project.

Declassified Motions from August 26, 2024

Re: Signage on Noble Canyon Road

“THAT Council authorize Administration to remove the following traffic signs:

 · “No unloading of Unlicensed Vehicles” (three signs); and,

 · “No unloading of Off-Road Vehicles” (1 sign).”

“THAT Council rescind Resolution REG2021—227, made on July 12, 2021: 

“THAT staff be directed to contact the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations to discuss moving the parking area on Noble Canyon Road used for unloading and loading of recreational vehicles, to Provincial land.”

Re: Sanitary Service System Regulation and Rate Bylaw Amendment and Aberdeen Sanitary Extension

“THAT Council directs Administration to prepare an amendment to the “Sanitary Service System Regulation and Rate Bylaw” establishing an $8,500 fee for connection to the District Sanitary System that does not exempt developers from paying, to be presented during a 2025 Financial Planning Committee meeting;

 AND THAT Administration establish a Sanitary Repayment and Expansion Reserve, to be funded from developer contributions and connection fees, to be considered during a 2025 Financial Planning Committee meeting;

 AND THAT Administration be directed to bring the Aberdeen Road Sanitary Extension to a future Council meeting for consideration as part of a 2025 Financial Planning Committee meeting.”

