Highlights from the July 22, 2024 Council Meeting

Telecasting Sports Events

Council received a report from the Community Facilities Manager on “Telecasting Sports Events”.  Council directed Administration to include in a future update of Community Facilities Policy GD20, conditions that would define when it would be possible to host viewing events at Coldstream Hall when a North Okanagan resident competing on a team or as an individual in a gold medal or pro-league finals event.

Alertable Notification Software Services Costs and Stakeholder Contributions

Council authorized Administration to continue the District’s participation in the Alertable program and software services for the term 2024-2027.

2024-2034 Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement

Council authorized the execution of the 2024-2034 Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement between the District of Coldstream and the Union of BC Municipalities.  This agreement provides funding to the District of Coldstream for investment in local infrastructure and capacity building priorities.

2024 Q2 Financial Update

Council received 2024 Q2 Financial Update from the director of Financial Administration. 

Council Report - 2024 Q2 Financial Update

Attach A-2024 Q2 Summary of Financial Info and Detailed Dept Expenses to June 30, 2024

Infrastructure Services Update - July 2024

Council received the Infrastructure Services Update from the Director of Infrastructure Services.

Council Report - Infrastructure Services Update - July 2024

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