Highlights from June 10, 2024 Council Meeting

News Release

North Kalamalka Area Plan

Council received a presentation from a resident of Coldstream. The presentation proposed upgrading the beach design, trail connections and 3-way intersection to improve both safety and the aesthetics around the Kal Lake Beach Area. Presentation-North Kalamalka Area Plan - John Myhill   North Kalamalka Area Plan - John Myhill

North Kalamalka Transit and Pedestrian Plan

Council received the report titled “North Kalamalka Transit and Pedestrian Plan” regarding a proposal from a resident of Coldstream for walking/cycling paths and public transit routes in the Middleton Mountain area, and directed Administration to refer the presentation material to the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) public engagement sessions. Information gathered through the public engagement sessions on Active Transportation in Coldstream will be incorporated into the development of the ATP. Watch for more information on opportunities to provide input to the Active Transportation Plan coming soon. 

 Building Report for the Month of May 2024

Council received the “Building Report for the Month of May 2024” For more information, see the report here: May 2024 Monthly Bldg Stats

 Proclamation Policy and Flag Protocol Policy

Council approved new Flag Protocol Policy MC14, which will provide guidelines and clarity to Administration as to when to lower flags located on District owned property to be flown at half-mast and other protocols. 

Wildfire Resiliency Plan

Council has awarded the development of a Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) to consultants Foresite, who will develop and present the CWRP to Council at a later date. The Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan will be 100% funded through the UBCM 2024 CRI FireSmart Community Funding and Supports Funds. 

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