Highlights from the May 27, 2024 Council Meeting

News Release

Land Use Planning for Agriculture Presentation

Council received a presentation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.  Alison Fox, Land Use Agrologist, and Lindsay Benbow, Regional Agrologist spoke to the current challenges facing farmers such as: limited land and the high cost of land; pressure for urbanization in “high growth” areas such as the Okanagan Valley; demographics show fewer young people are getting into farming; and lack of industrial land.  For more information and to see their key recommendations please see the presentation slides:  BC Land Use Planning for Agriculture-LG Elected Officials Presentation

Bylaw 1843 – Coldstream Facility Use Fees Amendment

Council adopted Bylaw 1843 which will amend the Coldstream Community Hall Rental Schedule and Rates effective January 1, 2025.  New rates can be found here: Bylaw 1843

 Volunteer Groups

Council directed Administration to prepare a volunteer policy that would permit volunteers, subject to certain conditions, to undertake activities on District properties. A draft policy will be brought forward to a future meeting.

Greater Vernon Water Drought Stakeholder Working Group (DSWG)

Council appointed Mayor Hoyte to the Greater Vernon Water Drought Stakeholder Working Group for a two-year term commencing June 1, 2024. The role of the DSWG is to assist the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) staff in the development of efficient water use strategies, informing the community on water supply levels, and providing feedback on the effect of water use restrictions. The first meeting of the Committee is scheduled for June 10, 2024 at the RDNO. For more information on this committee and their agendas, please contact the RDNO at info@rdno.ca or by phone, 250-550-3700. 

2024 UBCM Ministerial Meetings

Council has resolved to request meetings with the following Ministries at September’s UBCM Convention:

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food 
  • Ministry of Housing
  • Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Infrastructure Services Update for the Month of May 2024

Council received the April 2024 Infrastructure Services report.  For more information, see the report here:  Council Report-May 2024 Capital Update

2024 Community Resiliency Investment Program FireSmart Community Funding & Supports Grant Approval

The Union of BC Municipalities has approved the District’s grant application to create a Coldstream Community FireSmart Program with funding in the amount of $134,181.98. The funding is provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and will be used to hire a temporary full-time FireSmart Coordinator who will design and provide Community FireSmart Education events and campaigns; oversee the development of Community Wildfire Resiliency Program (CWRP); and participate in both the Okanagan and the North Okanagan Community FireSmart and Resilience Committee (CFRC).

Official Community Plan

The District, in accordance with the mandated set by the Province, has begun their work on updating the Official Community Plan, which must be adopted by December 31, 2025. Council will work on this plan through their Long Range Planning Committee.  For notifications of upcoming agendas, please subscribe using the following link: https://coldstream.civicweb.net/Portal/Subscribe.aspx

 Special Council Meeting - June 3, 2024

Council resolved to hold a Special Meeting of Council at 6:00 pm on June 3, 2024, before the regularly scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting. Notice details will be published on the District’s website and their notice board.

Released from In Camera

The following resolution was released from the May 13, 2024 in camera meeting:

 CUPE Bargaining

“THAT the report titled “2024 Collective Bargaining Terms” dated May 13, 2024, submitted by the Chief Administrative Officer, be received;

AND THAT Council authorize the execution of a new Three (3) Year Collective Agreement with CUPE Local 626 for the period January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026;

AND FUTHER THAT, subject to ratification by CUPE Local 626, the new Collective Agreement be reported in a Regular meeting of Council.

